Trevor Meeks, Trowbridge Town CrierHello, Great West Way Ambassador! Please introduce yourself . . .
I’m Trevor Heeks, Trowbridge Town Crier, and I’m happy to say that I’ve held the position for 33 years so far.

Tell us a little more about what you do on the Great West Way . . .
I’ve always been considered a symbol of Trowbridge, and an ambassador for the town inasmuch that I attend Town Crier competitions throughout the UK and Europe, and have done likewise further afield, for instance Australia and the USA.

What do you love most about your job?
The great variety of people I get to meet, and the constant opportunities to represent Wiltshire’s county town – and also when our twin towns get together.

How did you get started? Has it been a long journey, getting to where you are today? What achievements are you most proud of?
I took up the position of Town Crier in 1986, and have never looked back. I’ve been proud to have been able to put the town on the map in this way, having won three European town crier championships.

What’s a typical day like for you?
Though it’s not a full-time job, this would involve greeting dignitaries and dealing with the general public.

Do you work with a wider team? If so, tell us a bit about them . . .
So, I work alongside the Town Council often in a formal role, but on outreach events on a more relaxed basis. I’m heavily involved with the town’s twinning arrangement with Leer in Germany, and I’m considered a bit of a celebrity when I visit there!

What do you find inspiring day-to-day? What keeps the enthusiasm going?
Meeting people, and being able to help visitors to the town make more of their experience.
Trowbridge Sensory Gardens
Any interesting or funny anecdotes related to your role or your experiences with visitors that you can share?
A little boy came up to me once when I was in my full regalia thinking I was a king! 

What does slow travel mean to you?
It’s all about being able to take the time to enjoy your surroundings and the journey you’ve taken to get there . . . We all appear to lead such hectic lives these days, it’s just nice to step back a little.

What do you think makes the Great West Way special?
I think it’s a fantastic way of introducing visitors from other parts of the UK and from further afield to the wealth of beautiful countryside and villages along its route, especially those in Wiltshire (but then, I’m biased . . . !)

Do you have any insider tips or advice for travellers who want to experience the touring route ‘like a local’?
Always give yourself time to get ‘off the beaten track’ a little, especially when it comes to the Kennet & Avon Canal in our part of the Great West Way . . .

Describe your perfect adventure on the Great West Way . . .
Once again, for me it’s all about the canal – strolling along the towpath, it’s not hard to imagine how things would have been during its heyday.

What’s your favourite thing to eat or drink along the touring route?
Good old British fish and chips! And, if we’re talking about the West Country, cider, of course!

Are you a city, town or country person?
Although I live on the edge of the town, I’m definitely a country boy at heart.
Kennet and Avon Canal at Bradford on Avon, near Trowbridge
Pick a place along the Great West Way that best represents you and what you do, with a short explanation:
Definitely and always Trowbridge, but the surrounding area of West Wiltshire, having been around the area for as long as I have. But I have to add, I’m a Cotswolds boy born and bred, so it’s great that the Great West Way takes in part of my heritage as well.

Are there any English stereotypes or traditions you’d like to set straight?
Not as such – I love this country for its traditions, and the variety of characters and, as you put it, stereotypes, from the City gent to the Wiltshire farmhand – everything mixes well to make this country of ours what it is.

If you could choose one must-visit attraction along the Great West Way, what would it be, and why?
I know I keep mentioning it, but the Kennet & Avon Canal: it’s a magnificent feat of engineering, and there are so many wonderful and typically English sights to see along its 87-mile length: one instance is the Caen Hill flight of locks, near Devizes.

What do you think will surprise first-time visitors about the Great West Way? Any secret, lesser-visited spots you’d like to recommend?
There’s obviously so much to see, and that’s why I agree that it’s going to become such a great tourist attraction in our part of the country. Dyrham Park is a spot that I always enjoy – it’s less well-known than the other stately homes in the area, but no less magnificent.

What’s your preferred mode of transport: train, car, bus, or boat?
You can’t beat a canal barge!

Any exciting plans for the future you’d like to share?
Trowbridge as the county town is always evolving, and its status as a Great West Way ambassador town will inspire the involvement of everybody, including myself – we’re all looking forward to the ‘Way’ ahead!
Trevor giving a presentation
To discover more about Trowbridge and what there is do in and around Wiltshire, take a look at our See and Do and Plan Your Way pages. Trevor can't wait to welcome you!

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Trowbridge Aerial View

Trowbridge is the county town of Wiltshire and is proud to offer a wealth of services to the region and its visitors. The town’s rich industrial heritage means that it has much for those interested in its history.

Dyrham Park - National Trust
Historic House / Palace
Dyrham Park winter

Elegant 17th century mansion with park land set in acres of rolling countryside.